So I have a serious obsession with trying out new coffee shops. Because coffee shops just gives me a warm feeling in my stomach and my heart ❤(ˆ‿ˆԅ)

I tried out a place called Mocha Moe’s and its probably the biggest coffee shop I’ve tried, theres a lounge area where people can sit and read their novels. Theres a dining area where you can order salads and sandwiches. Theres also a stage for performers that come out and play live music when the sun goes down.

I wasn’t really planning on staying there the whole day, so I wasn’t dressed for the comforting occasion. Instead of a warm hoodie and worn out jeans, I wore all black and a leather skirt.

✨ Shirt : AliExpress   Skirt: DollsKill  Shoes: Adidas ✨

But for my first visit, I decided to sit at the couch and watch a show called “I Can See Your Voice”. Its a pretty fun show. (>‿◠)✌



So to start off, I read this book in the beginning of last year. I was planning on getting back into my book mojo but because of school, I failed. I loved reading back in high school and I just wanted to feel the love of stories and books again. So at the beginning of this summer, I was determined to read more books.

Cinder was the first book of the summer and although it was kinda hard for me to fully commit to the story. Oh Lord. It was pretty great (ɔ◔︣‿◔︣)ɔ ❤ This book is a retelling of Cinderella and the other books in the entire series are all retellings of different fairytales. WHICH I LOVE, ALERT DISNEY DORK.


First off, the characters started off dull to me, maybe because of the setting and time of the story. It sets off in the future where technology took a huge peek in the society and theres a plague going around from the Lunars. (more…)


So yesterday was the first day I got off school. I just finished my spring semester and I have a full month before my summer semester starts. And even if they’re all online, I still want to make the most of my days before that starts. The weather was pretty shitty yesterday, I was raining and cold but I still decided to expose my flesh because I’m smart.

🌟My denim jacket is from an online thrift app called Depop, my denim skirt is from Urban Outfitters, and my tank is probably $1 from Forever21. I decided to go denim on denim on denim (my shoes were also denim ٩(˘◡˘)۶) 🌟

But due to the extremely cold weather, I wanted a hot bowl of korean soup so I went to an asian market named Assi. They have a small foodcourt with different foods from different cultures. And my soup was very traditional.
